Antibiotics in Animal Agriculture
Nutrient Pollution
Water Tracers
Macroplastic Pollution
Teaching as Research
Antibiotics in Animal Agriculture
Farmer perspectives of antibiotic transport
In this interview-based study of farmer perspectives, we discuss the different transport pathways farmers associate with antibiotics after an animal is treated as well as other topics related to antibiotic decision-making .
Journal of Environmental Management (2021)
Hoard's Dairyman (Sept, Nov 2021)
CCE SCNY Dairy and Field Crop Team Blog (Feb, April, May, June 2021)
Cortland Standard (p. 15)
Data in Brief (2021)
More movement with manure: Erythromycin adsorption and transport
In this lab-based study of erythromycin adsorption to soil and manure, we found that erythromycin adsorbs to soil strongly, but in the presence of manure, or manure-derived dissolved organic matter, it remains in solution.
Nutrient Pollution
Cattle exclusion riparian buffers to reduce phosphorus runoff
In this pre- and post- BMP implementation study, we assess the effectiveness of fence installation as a cattle exclusion riparian buffer around a small, first-order stream and some important considerations for buffer design and maintenance.
Frontiers in Environmental Science(2018)
What's Cropping Up? (p. 40-41)
The Homer News (p. 3)
Water Tracers
Using encapsulated DNA as a water tracer
In these studies, we use synthetic DNA encapsulated in a biodegradable plastic coating to trace contaminants and water in experiments with unknown water flow-paths (subglacial flow and septic leachate flow) and potentially many contributing contaminant sources.
Hydrological Processes (2015)
Macroplastic Pollution
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Macroplastics in roadside ditches
In this study we collected macroplastics from roadside ditches associated with agricultural, commercial, forested, and residential land uses to assess terrestrial macroplastic accumulation on piece, mass, and type bases. Our data collection spanned both before and during COVID-19 quarantine restrictions.
Journal of Environmental Management (2021)
Mendeley Data (2021)
Data in Brief (2021)
Finger Lakes Community Newspapers (2022)
Collaborative & interdisciplinary learning
In this teaching-as-research study, we analyze students' perspectives of collaborative learning while assessing impacts of collaboration on student work products between a landscape architecture studio and an environmental engineering capstone design course.
Multiple Modes of Teaching and Learning
In this teaching-as-research study, we analyze the effect of changing how we teach on student outcomes. We tested the effect of three teaching modalities (traditional lecture, hands-on modeling, and small group design-analysis) on student enthusiasm for content and hydrology careers, course grades, and student engagement during class. We found how you teach changes who you reach!